Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Jack the Funny Man

This week Jack has told me that he is "going to run to Disney World all by myself." It's amazing that he still remembers everything from May! He now tells me all the time that he's going to "keep my eye on you" and today I asked him to put something away in his room and he told Belle to "keep an eye on Mommy." I guess I need supervision! Jack has also been telling me that "you don't tell me no" to which I reply "that's my job." The other day he was talking to himself in the backseat and he kept saying "I say no, that's my job." Bruce asked him what Mommy's job was and Jack said "to say no." It's very clear what I say around the house a lot! Jack is now very into the "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies, I asked him what his pirate name is and of course he said "Captain Jack." He put on his Pirate Mickey Mouse jammies before we watched the movie and his Pirate Mickey Mouse hat and during the movie he kept saying "I need my sword to fight the pirates!" So cute. I can't believe that he's going to be three in a week!

Jack is still so sweet with Belle, he loves to climb into her crib when she wakes up in the morning or from her nap. Jack also likes to take her hands and help her walk though she does very well on her own now. She laughs the whole time she's walking with him. Belle walks all the time now but she likes to walk with her hands up above her head. Kids are strange but fun.


Elena Loo said...

thats awesome. Captain Jack. So perfect.

Dr. Allison Buskirk-Cohen said...

I love it! They are so cute... and so funny! By the way, it's totally normal for kids to walk with their hands in the air-- most of them learn to take steps with mom/dad holding their hands up high so they associate that position with walking. It's amazing how quickly they learn! Just another reason to love 'em!