I just realized that I haven't posted in almost a month. It's been a very busy few weeks and it's not going to let up until mid-December. The kids have adjusted to school, Jack loved it from day one and Belle seemed to love it for a few days until she realized that it wasn't a temporary situation. After a week or so of sobbing when we left her she has acclimated to her new routine and now loves it. Bruce and I are very happy with their new school and they are learning so much every day. I was going to include a picture of them on their first day of school but blogger is being a bit difficult. I will try again another day to post the picture.
Bruce has been very busy teaching, organizing and casting but his rehearsals haven't started yet. I love graduate school though I do have my moments of "OMG what did I get myself into?" However, overall it's been great and I love being a graduate assistant. The day to day schedule of the family is getting easier as we've all adjusted to the routine. Bruce and I need to find more time to sleep but that's hardly newsworthy. So far, it's been a great semester I just need to finish my research so I can start writing my papers. I'm writing a paper on Catherine the Great, Ramon Llull and a historiography on the French and Indian war. I'm looking forward to fall break so I can do nothing but read and write!