Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, September 18, 2009

A Very Exciting Week

This has been a very exciting and full week with the Cohen family. Bruce and I celebrated our eighth wedding anniversary though we didn't have a chance to go out and celebrate yet. It has gone by so quickly it's hard to believe that it's been eight years. Belle has started using a fork and she is pretty good at getting things on the fork and into her mouth. Of course sometimes she's so proud that she shows us what she has done and the food falls off the fork and onto her lap or tray. She's quite tenacious and she just tries again. Jack had his first gymnastics class on Thursday morning at his school. He loved it and he said that "he jumped up in the air and kicked my legs" and "I flipped" and "the teacher put on music." We're just glad that he liked it so much and had fun. We suspect that Thursdays will be his favorite day of the week. Jack's teacher Miss Vicky was kind enough to send out pictures of the kids during the class so we could see what they were doing. I've included those pictures; Jack is wearing a yellow shirt and brown and orange pants. We really love the kids' school and love hearing about their day even though they are usually covered in dirt from head to toe. They are working so hard at learning about their world!

Jack on the balance beam:

Jack walking up the ramp:

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