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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Wow, It's Been A Long Time Between Posts

It's been insanely busy here between schedules and illnesses (mine). I survived my first semester of graduate school and I love my work. Despite suffering from walking pneumonia this fall, I did manage to do very well this fall. I'm proud of what I have accomplished so far though I feel like I'm still behind the eight ball. Bruce's semester went well but kept him busy. The kids have both completely adjusted to school and are really thriving. Belle is saying new words every few days and the little devil understands everything we say. She doesn't usually choose to obey us or do as we ask but she grins and does whatever she wants to do, however, she usually howls when we retrieve her from someplace she's not supposed to be (usually the kitchen). She is a big time climber and still adores her big brother, she follows him around and imitates everything he does much to his delight (for the time being). She'll also come over to him and start whacking him on the head with a toy and all he does is say "ow, Belle's hitting me." At least he doesn't hit girls.

Jack is becoming very independent and is still very witty. A few recent gems he's shared: At my birthday dinner at an Indian restaurant he wanted to eat a lemon. All we had left was a piece that Bruce had squeezed over the chicken tikka masala. On one side it looked fine but the backside was blown out, I told Bruce to give it to him anyway, Jack wouldn't care. I was so wrong... Jack gladly took it but then looked at the backside and holds it up saying "I can't eat this, it's all messed up." When Jack's Papa was visiting recently they were washing their hands in the bathroom and Jack says "I'm going to tell mommy that we were playing in the bathroom. We're both going to get put in timeout." When I tell Jack that he's funny and he makes me laugh he says "you're right mommy, I'm funny." Around Halloween, Jack wanted to sleep with his pumpkin and I told him that it wasn't a good idea to sleep with vegetables.

I'm in the process of uploading photos from the fall and writing about our holidays. I hope that everyone has had a wonderful holiday season.

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