Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, January 12, 2009

I Need Clothes!

After a dirty diaper change today I left Jack in his clean diaper for a moment while I dealt with the dipe. Suddenly I heard Jack yell "I need clothes!" I instructed him to pick out a pair of pants and a shirt and I hear him again demand "I need clothes!" Then he kept shouting "I need clothes, I need clothes!" I washed up and got the boy some clothes. I'm just glad that he's feeling better.

We spent two hours in the pediatric after hours clinic on Sunday after Jack's temperature soared to 102.9. Unfortunately, he had another double ear infection and he was given stronger antibiotics than he was last time. He is definitely feeling better today. We just wish that he would give us some signs that he was getting ill before getting really sick, but at least he's on the mend.

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