Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, January 5, 2009

We're Seeing Real Progress

In December we introduced Belle to solids and baths in a real bathtub. The initial introductions were traumatic on both fronts... She sobbed through her first bath with her brother and kept her mouth tightly closed when we attempted to feed her cereal, avocado, banana, peaches, pears, sweet potatoes and squash... She just wasn't into solids. However, we have seen drastic changes in bath time and meal time. Belle now seems to enjoy her baths with Jack, she's now smiling and starting to make little splashes with her hands. Meal time has improved; she has begun to eat more and is almost enthusiastic as she grabs the spoon and helps to guide it into her mouth. We are relieved that she is on her way to becoming a good eater and a water baby like her big brother Jack. Belle also got her first tooth poking through on Christmas Day (the day she turned six months) it seems that she may be a very prompt little girl. Today we discovered that she is getting another tooth right next to the other one. They do grow up so fast.

Jack is an energetic and curious two year old. He's a fantastic big brother and really takes care of his little sister. We hope that this continues as they get older. We're beginning to shop for preschools for him as we really think that he'll thrive attending school in the fall. He is great with colors and we're starting to work more with him on letters and numbers. While he certainly throws his share of two year old tantrums he still has a sweet disposition. We remind ourselves that two is a short phase and we'll all get through it. His language skills blows us away and we're constantly surprised by his increased vocabulary and by his ability to communicate his needs.

Our days are never dull and we're constantly exhausted but we love every minute with our two kids.

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