Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Attica! Attica!

Jack has figured out how to climb over the baby gate. I was really hoping that we'd have another six months or so before this happened but our energetic boy will not be contained! I guess I shouldn't be terribly surprised, he's outgrowing his 3T pants and beginning to wear 4Ts, he's just so long and skinny! Of course he's terribly proud of himself and I'm still amazed at how much he has learned; watching your child go from an infant to an active toddler is astonishing to witness. He's really testing his limits with us and he's quickly learning where they are; it doesn't seem stop him from testing them again. We'll get through this phase just in time for Belle's turn, I suspect that it will be easier on us after going through it with Jack.

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