Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I'm still surprised and entertained

after 2 1/2 years by how much we discuss bodily functions now that we have kids. It's cliche but it's true. Once you have kids you are constantly talking to your spouse about the condition of their diapers; are they just wet or have they had too much fruit the last few days? I just didn't realize how important it was until we had Jack. Of course now we talk about it all the time with him as we are trying to gently encourage him to potty train. We have days of progress and days of regression, I am still hoping that he'll be trained by the time he turns three.

I can't believe that Jack is 2 1/2, I look at him sometimes and he looks so grown up to me. It's getting easier to imagine him as a teenager and an adult, it's really making me cherish this time with small fries. Belle is starting to cruise and she is beginning to figure out how to get from sitting to crawling. We're in trouble once we have two toddlers but I suppose it's worse for the cats. Belle has gotten really fast at crawling, now if I leave her on the floor in her room she'll drag herself out to see where the party moved to. She's always so proud of herself when she finds us. A couple of days ago I told Jack that he was cute and he said "I not cute, I big boy." I replied "so you can't be big and cute?" He said "no, I big." I'm just glad that my big boy still likes to snuggle in the morning or when he wakes up from his afternoon nap.

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