Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, June 1, 2009

A Great Beginning to the Week

Belle has cut two new teeth and now has a grand total of eight teeth! She really enjoys using her new teeth and bites enthusiastically into her food and rips it apart. We are really excited that Jack is officially potty trained! It's been two weeks and he's only had a few accidents. He's still wearing a diaper at night but we're not going to even consider night time training until after he starts staying dry on his own or he turns three. We did try going diaper-free last night but that was a big mistake as he woke up at 6 am totally soaked. Potty training was so hard but we are both so proud of our boy. We're working hard on getting him to go all by himself as well as dressing and undressing himself. I think that he'll be a pro by the time school starts in August.

As a reward for his effort we took him to the zoo today where he rode a camel, the train and the carousel. He loved seeing all of the animals and wanted to ride the rhinoceros and the tigers but we explained that riding those animals would be a very bad idea indeed. Belle loved seeing the primates jump and swing around, it's wonderful to see her get so interested in the world around her. It was a lovely day out with the kids and we're looking forward to our next zoo day. Next weekend we're going to take the kids swimming!

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