Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 31, 2009

What A Strong Willed Little Girl

Belle has really been showing herself to be a very strong willed little girl, if she doesn't want to have her face cleaned or her diaper changed she'll grab your hand and toss it away. I don't remember Jack ever doing that though he did show his displeasure when we messed with him. She also tries to remove her bib when she is done eating, sometimes she is successful and other times she screams as she tries to pull her bib over her head. Belle has also reached that delightful stage where she systematically throws everything of her tray. Fun. She's still a great eater but we are cleaning more things off of the floor now. Belle really doesn't have any interest in walking yet, she pulls up on everything and cruises the furniture but she gets around so fast by crawling why would she want to waste time learning to walk?

1 comment:

Elena Loo said...

She sounds like she's got such a personality! We see that with Huck too. He will only allow himself to hold his bottle. If we touch it, he rolls over! He doesn't like baby food or anything, because he can't control the spoon. Kids are so great. Your kids are really adorable. They look so much like you guys!
Hope things are going well.