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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Excuse Me Guys, I Have a Plan

Toddlers hear everything. While this is not a newsflash it does tend to surprise me when Jack repeats my common phrases. I obviously use the terms "guys" and "plan" on a very regular basis. The other day Bruce, his dad (Jack's Pappa) and I were talking. Jack comes up to us and says "excuse me guys, I have a plan." He then regaled us with said plan to our dumbfound surprise. Jack's Grammie has been visiting and he has been directing "Drammie" as to how things operate and where things go. After she read him a story a few nights ago she forgot the book on his bed. We start hearing him scream "you forgot to put the book away! Put the book away!" She went and got the book and started to put it away on a lower shelf and he told her to"put it on the top shelf" which is funny because the top shelf is dedicated to books that are more delicate and could easily be ripped, i.e. books that we don't want Jack to be able to get on his own. The next night she remembered to take the book and put it away but she heard a little voice call out "did you put it on the top shelf?" He also assured Grammie that playing with his whale toy in the bathroom was OK by telling her that "it's perfectly fine, Drammie." Jack also told her that as she was supervising his bathroom usage while eating a piece of cinnamon bread that "you can't eat in the bathroom Drammie, you have to eat at the table." He does know the rules even if he doesn't always follow them. When my mom was visiting he told her that he was going to come get her in the morning by knocking on her door "I'm going to knock knock knock on your door Dramma (Grandma)." He then showed her how he was going to knock by rapping his little knuckles on his bed. Too cute.

Jack is now totally diaper free! He hasn't had an accident during the day or at night for weeks and we couldn't be prouder of him. Now we just need to work on his aim when he's standing up...

Bruce and I are also dealing with a lot of phobias with Jack. He's developed a fear of the bathtub drain though it does seem to be getting better and he's a little afraid of the new humidifier. We just keep telling him that he's safe, we won't let anything happen to him and everything is OK. We keep telling ourselves that these are phases and they will pass as quickly as they came on.

We're also gearing up for the beginning of school. I can't believe that Jack and Belle are going to both be in school full time in a month! I know that it's going to be a lot harder on me than it will be for them but it's exciting nonetheless.

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