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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, April 13, 2009

Back on Track

After we got back from our trip to DC Belle went on a solid food eating strike. We tried everything to get her to eat solids to no avail. We decided to try moving her to table food and that didn't work either. We started thinking that she got spoiled by jarred baby food and prepared ourselves for a few weeks of reintroducing her to homemade food. Then we saw a tooth break through! It turns out she was teething really badly and didn't want anything solid at all. Now she is eating nothing but table food which has made our lives much easier. It's great to see her beginning to east just like Jack. We moved her on to table food much faster than we did with Jack, we're chalking that up to being first time parents, we just did things much slower with him. It's absolutely true that you get more laissez-faire with the second child, you just feel so much more confident in your parenting skills.

Belle is now crawling everywhere and pulling herself up on anything she can grab! She'll take a few steps alone but she is nowhere near ready to walk yet. Jack has begun to try carrying her and pulling her around so we have to watch the two of them constantly. He also still likes to "smother her with love", squeeze her face because "she's so cute, she's so adorable" and occasionally he grabs her head and starts banging it into the floor or whatever she's clinging to. Ah... fun with a toddler.

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