Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, April 20, 2009

Movie Time!

I really love going to the movies with Jack, on Sunday we took him to see "Monsters vs. Aliens." He cracks me up because he watches movies just like an adult, when the popcorn bucket is in front of him he reaches in without even looking at it. Sometimes I think that he gets more excited about the popcorn than the movie! He's becoming such a little boy that calling him a toddler doesn't always seem right to either of us. It's terribly cliche but he'll always be my baby boy.


Elena Loo said...

that is awesome. You wonder if such things are learned or just a natural response to the goodness of popcorn while be entertained by funny characters. I hope I get to meet Jack and Belle sometime soon!

Darci said...

what a beautiful family! i'm glad you linked me- i didn't know you had a blog! your little girl is growing up so fast! thanks again for the freezer meals tip- i'm excited to try many different recipes.