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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Belle's One Year Check-up

Belle is healthy just as we thought. When she was born she was 20.5 inches long and 10.8 lbs. Now she is 30 inches long and 19.7 lbs which puts her in the 75th percentile for length and 10-25th percentile for weight. At one, Jack was 30.5 inches long and 19.8 lbs so both of our kids are growing in a similar fashion. Belle is walking when she feels like it, she got across the room tonight because I had a toy that she wanted. She laughed the whole way across the floor because she thought that she was clever by holding back how skilled she is with the whole walking thing. Little devil.

1 comment:

Elena Loo said...

what a stinker. that's too cute. growing children is exciting, and sometimes sad. I want them to stay little sometimes - but glad they are healthy!