Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hello all, it's about time I jumped on this and contributed from the paternal side. Sandy's got the developmental news and color commentary pretty well documented; so I'll fill in the Op-Ed.

Where did un-educational cartoons go? I don't deny that I harbor a desire that the kids experience many of the same childhood experiences I fondly (though fuzzily) remember. One of these came to mind this morning. I'm usually the parent to get up with early-rising Jack in the morning. Lately this has involved a 5:30-6am "Daddy up" nudge; though this morning revallie was at a somewhat more merciful 6:45am.

Well, I can muster enough of my faculties to accomplish the routine diaper change/first-round breakfast logistics and settle in for some "toons" (Jack's colloquialism) while my ganglia warms up. And these "toons", dear friends and family, are not the toons of my youth... thus my point.

What the bloody hell happened to the pointless, violent, politically-incorrect cartoons of kinder-past? I certainly appreciate the educational value of current DisneyChan, Noggin and PBS kid programming... good stuff being imparted; all carefully, psychosocially massaged to imprint constructive civic behaviors and interpersonal skills. I believe these toons are indeed a valid teaching adjunct to what Sandy and I do.... but, at the same time, I wonder if Jack and Belle wouldn't also benefit from an occasional helping of the schadenfreude-centered, slapstick in the Coyote v. Roadrunner series; or the thinly veiled anti-communist dogma undergirding Rocky and Bullwinkle; or the burlesque absurdism of George of the Jungle and Mr. Magoo. No, these shows don't teach the value of bi-linguality and communal-effort; and yes they surely present a coarse, low-comic tone.... but I suspect these old-school toons still have value... if only to counter-balance the somewhat Stepfordian-flavor of the current slate.

That, and it is still damn-funny when that anvil drops on the Coyote's head.

1 comment:

allison said...

i know what you mean! i lived with my sis and her 2 year old, and we watched tripped out psychedelic sesame street episodes from the 70s, and there was a clear disclaimer at the beginning stating that the dvd was "not intended for children." WHAT? who freakin cares if they don't learn's fun!