Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Poor Little Jack

Jack has been quite sick off and on for the last few weeks. Today we took him in to see the doctor after having a record temperature of 104 degrees last night. I got the fever down around 10:30 pm and he slept through the night. It's clear that he had an infection of some kind. The doctor had his blood count analysed and he has an undefined infection and they've changed his medication. He didn't have a fever tonight and he was actually bouncing around before bed so we're hoping that we're finally going to knock the bug out of our little boy. It's been so hard watching our normally healthy, energetic boy wanting to do nothing but lay on the sofa, snuggle and watch movies. I hope that we're going to see him back to normal very soon and for more than a week or two.

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