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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Kids Say the Darnest Things

Toddlers are very entertaining as they learn new words and concepts every day. Recently Jack has been pointing to Belle and saying "Princess, Princess Belle" which is very sweet. The other day I asked him "if Belle is a Princess what are you?" He replied "I King." He likes to go around saying "I King, I King." We've also been motivating him to communicate his need to have his diaper changed with coins to put in his bank, it seems to be working so far. He loves to put a "poin" (his pronunciation for a coin) into his bank and then shake it to see how many "poins" he has saved. When he wants my full attention and I'm taking care of Belle he tells me "Belle down" or "Belle saucer" which is his way of telling me that he wants me to put his sister in the exersaucer. Jack is also well into the "me do it" phase, it seemed to start when he wanted to take his own temperature when he was sick and he loves to fill up sippy cups with water from the refrigerator. I've begun to have him help me bake, I sit him on the counter and let him pour in the ingredients, which he absolutely loves; he always says "me do it."


Unknown said...

Too cute!

allison said...

i love that you are keeping a record of all of these little personality developments. i can just see the little blond guy saying "poin." so adorable!