Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Great News!

I totally forgot to announce my exciting news, I'm attending graduate school in the fall! I've been accepted to the University of Central Arkansas to begin my MA in history. I'm very happy to be getting back into school. As much as I love being home with my kids, going back to school to get my masters degree will be good for all of us. A history degree will give me a lot of options for my future career and I will love my studies. I know that the next couple of years will be a challenge but it will be worth it in the end. Now I'm just waiting to hear about an assistantship and we can start making plans.


Unknown said...

Congrats! Mon amie!!!!! C'est super!

Elena Loo said...

Congrats to you as well!! That will be so great. I hope we can see you guys sometime when we're out in that direction. Good luck on the MA in history - VERY exciting!!